The Blue Fantasy

The Blue Fantasy (paper, watercolor, acrylic, markers, 37x25cm)
The Blue Fantasy (paper, watercolor, acrylic, markers, 37 x 25 cm), reflecting sparkles and metallics

This work was inspired by a dear friend who showed me the beauty of the colour blue. In creating this piece I expressed the tones of blue I enjoy.

This work also expresses symbols and images which show the concept and actions of love, whether in human or heavenly understandings.

As with other works containing metallics and sparkles, above is an image with them reflected, and below – not reflected.

The Blue Fantasy (paper, watercolor, acrylic, markers, 37x25cm)
The Blue Fantasy (paper, watercolor, acrylic, markers, 37 x 25 cm), not reflecting metallics and sparkles

Prints are available. Please contact Nina Soyfer using the form below if you would like more information or a print of this painting.
