Alphabetical List of Art Songs (Voice and Piano) Etobicoke North, Canada.
- A Day With Gaia (Part of Music Diary Series)
- 55th Birthday Song (S Dnem Rojdeniya Papa)
- A Pure Soul (Chistaya Dusha)
- Appreciation Song
- Bright Shining Stars, June 5, 2012
- Davai Spoiem (Let Us Sing Together)
- Everything, Everywhere, Always (aka EEA)
- I Want to Melt Into the Light
- Inside Us
- Invisible Connection
- Look Into Your Heart (lyrics by Drunvalo Melchizedek)
- My Love
These moments are when I start hearing melodies and words in my head. Songs like Everything, Everywhere, Always, A Day with Gaya, and many guitar songs were composed in nature. - Sing Along
- Snow (or Sneg)
- Sofiya
- Sunny Birthday Song (Part of Music Diary Series)
- Texture of Sky
- The New Energy of Life
- The Only Friend
- Their Love (35th Anniversary Song) aka Их Любовь
- Universal Comforting Song: Fur Maxim
- Your Faith in You
- Your Smile
- Your World is Filled With Harmony (lyrics by Eugene Lykhovoy)Attracted to a beautiful place anywhere on earth, guided by the nature there (like the river in the image below), a song comes into my mind. This is how My Land was composed, with this particular river (e.g., lyrics: ” on my left a hazel waterflow, purifies my mind so I let go of fears, keeping only my light…”).