Nina Soyfer’s collection of art works includes over 500 completed works. Nina’s graphical arts style is based on an original combination of surrealistic motives, perceptions of surrounding nature, and psychology of people, their feelings and emotions. She has exhibited collections of her paintings in Ukraine, Israel, and Canada.
Nina Soyfer is originally from Ukraine, where she started her music, dance, and art education at the age of five. In 2003 her art work titled Cocktail of Dance won third prize in Ukraine’s creative arts competition titled Dance. In the same year she was selected as one of three visual art laureates from Ukraine in the international competition Israel in Dance and Colour, to study with artists in Israel. There she created and exhibited paintings, sculptures, and photographs. As a young artist, Nina attended seminars and Master classes conducted by internationally renowned artists from Israel and USA. Upon return from Israel, she was invited to exhibit all of her art works (paintings, sculptures, photographs, and other artistic creations) at the Ukrainian University M.D. Leontovytch College of Cultureand Arts, where she also gave lectures on her art to the University administration, faculty, and students.
Dr. Soyfer has also created Integrated Arts Method (TM) and founded Integrated Arts Method School (www.iamethod.com) which offers private lessons in arts, and Nina’s style.
Dr. Nina Soyfer also conducted a number of artistic programs in public schools of Toronto.
Visual Arts Exhibitions and Experience:
Uxbridge Celebration of the Arts 2015, Juried Art Show, Featuring “The Spirit of Nature” by Nina Soyfer | Sept. 2015 |
Exhibition of my art works for the Humanity in Harmony Festival at York University | October 2011 |
Exhibition of my art works for the Humanity in Harmony Festival at York University | October 2010 |
Exhibition of my art works for the Humanity in Harmony Festival at York University | October 2009 |
Exhibition of my art works for the Humanity in Harmony Festival at York University | October 2008 |
Teaching Visual Arts of my own style in the “Promoting Excellence” program at Westview Secondary School, for TheatrePeace company | Oct.2007 – June 2008 |
Exhibition of my art works for the Humanity in Harmony Festival at York University | Oct. 2007 |
Exhibition featuring my visual art works at M.D. Leontovich Music College of Culture & Arts for groups of students from various faculties, staff, and administration (including the president and vice president of the college) | Sept.2003 – Oct.2003 |
Publication of a number of paintings in “Suzir’ia Muz” M.D. Leontovich Music College of Culture & Arts Monthly magazine | Sept.2003 – May2004 |
“Israel in Dance and Colour 2003” Art Exhibition with four selected paintings in Israel | June 2003 |
Exhibition of my art works, sculptures, and design of exhibiting area in Israel, for final exhibition in “Israel in Dance and Colour” | June – July 2003 |
List of Nina Soyfer’s Art Work Types (please click on each type to view)
Abstract Art Black and White InkDrawingsInk OrnamentsLandscape ArtMetallics and SparklesPaintingsPortraits
List of Nina Soyfer’s Art Works (please click on each to view a drop-down list)